Checkbook Menu Close Form System Monospaced Courier Roman Modern Modern Roman Script Roman DateQ Check # 101O Cool Address Amount Joe Cool Check.ovd Total Deposit Deposits.ovd Welcome to Biggest Insert Your Card Please# EnterZ Atm.ovd ObjectVision Checkbook Management System This application lets you enter checkbook transactions. Click the picture of your choice depending on whether you want to enter checks, deposits or ATM (automatic teller machine) transactions. Checks Checks are typically where you will enter most of your transactions. All the transactions that you enter here will take money out of your account. If you enter a previously entered check number, the check will be displayed. If the check was not previously entered, you can continue to enter the check information. Note that once you enter the amount, the words for the number are calculated and displayed. You can go look at how this was done by looking at the Calcs form. Deposits Deposits is where deposits are entered. This operates just like your normal deposits, by totaling all checks that were deposited on any one deposit slip. The deposit number is automatically assigned when you click the New button. ATM transactions can take care of all other types of transactions even if the transaction is not an ATM transaction. For example, a direct withdrawal transaction with a bank teller. Features This is actually four applications (.OVD files) in one (CKMENU.OVD, CHECKS.OVD, DEPOSITS.OVD, ATM.OVD). Notice the amount remaining in your account will turn red if you go into the negative. This was done by overlapping fields on top of one another. The red field only displays if the account balance drops below zero. The ATM machine has some interesting features in that it looks much like an ATM and the screen changes as you work with it. This was done by assigning properties to fields so that they blend in if they have no value. Menu.ovd